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Here you will find a showcase of my graduate work that I completed during my Master of Arts in Education (MAED) from Michigan State University. This showcase displays various essays and projects that I focused on during my MAED. My work is categorized into three categories that I am passionate about: Literacy, Behavior, and Science & Mathematics. Click the large text bubbles to see the work in its entirety.

Science &
Literacy Analysis

I had the opportunity to identify and address one of my second grade student's literacy needs. Here you will find a study that I did based on my student's data and individual needs using various assessments, thus creating data-driven instruction.

Narrative Writing Exploration

I dream of writing children's books. I would like to write about books that help students with social skills. I had the opportunity to explore writing in my favorite genre: narrative. I chose to write a narrative story that would help students with having empathy towards others.

Teaching Narrative Writing

As mentioned above, narrative is my favorite type of writing. I created a narrative writing unit for any second grade teacher to use that includes a lesson plan, graphic organizer, revision checklist, and rubric.

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

Many teacher struggle with classroom management. Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports is a widely-used behavior management system used in many schools, including my own. I wrote an informative essay describing PBIS, explaining how it can be implemented and improve behavior in schools.

Examining Challenging Behavior

Defiance is prevalent in today's classroom, including my own. I recorded one of my student's behavior and then chose to use a behavior intervention technique to hopefully improve his behavior. This document displays the data, analysis, intervention, and results of that case.

Science & Mathematics
Pollination Unit

I created a pollination unit to be used in second grade science classrooms. My unit includes a set of standards, a scope and sequence document, and all necessary materials for any teacher to be able to use this unit.

Science & Mathematics
Another Form of Teaching: Video

I created a science video about the three states of matter to be used in any science classroom. Showing this video to my students opened my eyes to how beneficial videos can be to a classroom. I plan on creating more videos for students to watch as another form to teach students information.

Science & Mathematics
A Feeling of Belonging in a Math Classroom

I believe that every student should feel welcome in my classroom. While I am teaching math, I hope that students do not feel afraid to be judged if they say the wrong answer. In this essay, I explain how I want all students to feel as if they belong.

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