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Looking Back: Was A Graduate Degree Necessary?


Some may ask, “Do teachers really need a graduate degree?” Some teachers will obtain their bachelor’s degree and teach the rest of their lives with only that one degree, which is an acceptable choice. Some colleagues have asked me why I wanted to get a master’s degree if I already have my dream job of teaching a second grade classroom. The answer is: I enjoy learning about how to be a better teacher. 


My original goals were to improve my teaching practices and technique which will broaden my ability to achieve student success. I continually differentiate my teaching styles and lessons to assist various types of learners. Each year, I have had special education students, English Language Learners, or gifted students; all different types of learners that I welcome into my classroom, ready to take the challenge of how can I help this student understand the subject at hand. I wanted to be sure that my students will leave my classroom with higher test scores and more confidence in their academics than when they entered my room. I wanted to make a lasting impact on student success. My bachelor’s degree and alternative route certification have prepared me for running a classroom, but I believe that master’s degree will help me better understand my role as an educator. I am constantly asking my principal to come in and observe my teaching practices. I wanted to invest in my own professional development in order to make a positive impact on my teaching practices and the lives of my students. I was and still am looking for more ways to learn to become a better educator. For example, every year and during my first year of teaching, I joined the School Improvement Plan Team, Curriculum Team, ESL Tutoring, Homework Club, and coached the middle school cheerleading team. I was determined to gain more pedagogical skills and better student outcomes. 


Now that I am in my final semester of my Master of Arts in Education program, my original goals have not changed. My graduate degree was necessary because I want to continue to always improve my teaching practices and technique. I have become inspired through the various courses that I have taken during my Master’s of Art in Education program at Michigan State University. I believe that I will be a lifelong learner of all things education. Since the time that I began the MAED program, I have changed as an educator. I have had struggles and triumphs that you can only learn through experience. The knowledge that I have gained through the MAED program has been invaluable in times of difficult teaching endeavors. I feel that I have become a better educator through the knowledge that I have gained in my master’s program. I plan to continue to invest in professional development opportunities provided within and outside of my school. I want to continue to be a better educator than I was yesterday, last year, and my first year of teaching. 

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